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Image by Roman Kraft

Honorable Consultant 

CTCMA First Board member:    Cai, Li Ping            Lee, To Chi Sunny  

Chair  of   First  Association :    Chen, Marianne    Liu, Frontier         Chau,  M.T      Chang, Sen Chang




金維岳    黃欣賢    陳磊    陳凱    王炯峰    郭淑足


Wang,  Jian Hua         00044             Yu,  Janet (Jie)                    00172           Shi, De Ping           00227 

Wang,  Chiung Feng   00263             Law,  John Kwing Leung   00283           Lu,  Chien Chung   00294 

Huang,  Guo Ze           00358             Kuo,  Tien Ming                  02019           Wat,  Yiu-Cheong   02023   

Lai,  Ting Yung            02038             Dr. Lin                                                       Hsu, Grant

Advisory Committee

1. Chair, Dr. Wang, Tian Shan                                                              PhD, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine 

2. Associate Professor Zhang, Hui jun                  sociate Professor, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

3. Dr. Wang, Yi                                                                  PhD, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

4. Dr. Shang, Ming Hua                                                                         PhD, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

5. Professor Pan, Xiao Chuan                    Honorary Professor of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 

6. Dr. Wang, Qing Tian                                                                                                             PhD, University of Tokyo

7. Dr. Guo,  Zhi  Li                                                                                  PhD, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine 

8. Dr. Liu,  Shao  Ai                                                                                  PhD, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine 

9. Associate Professor Huang, Fang               Associate Professor of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 

10. Dr. Song, Tao                                                               PhD, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 

11. Dr. Yu,  Cun Hai                                                                 PhD, Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

12. Dr. Han, Xiang dong                                                   PhD, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine



Chiu, Pin                    00334                       Kao, Te Cheng Kao         01244                      Liu, Ying                     01498    Zhu, Jun Hua            01551                       Lu, Liang Shu Lu            02474                      Li, Chang Ming           02546  Zhang, Lan                03041                      Kao, Hsien-Ju Claire       03171                      Chu, Kuo Hsiang        03275    Fong, Ho-Cheung     03686                       Lin, Hsiu Ling                  04023                      Zhang, Hui Jun          04044    Guo, Zhi Li                 04181                      Wang, Qing Tian              04182                      Woo, Chee Chiong     04299    Yeh, Chen Ling          04492                      Huang, Fu Sheng            04511                      Cheng, Chia Wei         04577

Huang, Chih Chung  04688                       Zheng, Dong Ning          04807                      Lee, Kuang Tung        04926     

Lai,  Jin Li                 101515                     Wu, Chin Hsiu                 04846                      Zhang, Han Ying                        Zhang, Shirley                                           Huang, Han Shen                                            Wang, Wen

2022-2025 理事團隊



1. Academics and  Education Committee                    Chair :  Woo, Chee Chiong    Wang, Martin


2. Ethics and Regulatory Committee                            Chair : Lin, Hsiu Ling Evelyn


3. Public Affairs Committee                                           Chair : Kao, Hsien-Ju Claire


4. Administrative Affairs  Committee                           Chair  : Kao, Te Cheng


5. Finance Committee                                                    Chair : Chiu, Pin 


6. Executive Committee                                                 Chair : Zhang, Lan


7. Government Affairs  Committee                               Chair : Wang, Qing Tian   Allen       


8. Against Corruption Committee                                 Chair : Li, Xiang

9. Tai Ji & Qi Gong  Committee                                      Chair : Danny Lee

Advisory Committee  Chair   Martin Wang Ph.D

Dr. Wang has been actively involved in phytopharmaceutical and nutraceutical products research and development in the past 20 years. Currently, he serves as R&D Director at SmartPEP (Canada) and also a faculty member of TCM Program at Central College. He was a QA/QC Manager in Labs-Mart Inc. focusing on laboratory operation and quality accreditation from 2013-2015. In 2007-2012, he served as R&D Director and was accountable for regulatory affairs at Pegasus Pharmaceuticals. In 2005-2007, he was a Research Associate at Cross Cancer Institute, University of Alberta and was a Senior Analyst in Division of Food and NHP,  ALS Laboratory Group, Edmonton. Previously, Dr. Wang held positions as an Associate Professor in School of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; and served as Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Centre for Quality Control of Chinese Medicine. Dr. Wang is extensively involved in drug discovery research from screening natural products as drug candidates to translational studies of investigational drugs as well as formulation, pilot-scale development, chromatographic fingerprinting profiles of finished botanicals, and quality control.


Dr. Wang has also been experienced in regulatory affairs with strong knowledge of Canada NHP licensing and US FDA botanical drug IND or dietary supplement as well as China SFDA new drug applications.


Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. in Natural Products Chemistry from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in 1997. He then took a postdoctoral position in Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan in 1998 and an industrial postdoctoral fellowship in Jinling Pharmaceutical Company, China in 2000. Dr. Wang has over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 3 china patents of new botanical drugs.

Advisory Committee      Dr. Shang, Ming Hua

Dr. Shang, Minghua, Registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Former Associate Professor, Director of Acupuncture Department of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Shang graduated at the top of his class from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1985. From September of 1987 to June of 1990, under the tutelage of the Chinese Society of Clinical Acupuncture Research director Professor Yang Zhangsen, Dr. Shang received his Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. From September of 1993 to June of 1997, under the tutelage of world leading authority on acupuncture, the first to fifth edition of "针灸学" editor Professor Qiu Maoliang, Dr Shang received his MD. Dr. Shang has hosted and presented numerous medical topics at provincial and municipal conferences as well as published many medical journals in dozens of national Chinese magazines.

As editor of 《针灸防治老年病》、《腧穴学》、《袖珍针灸取穴图解》(汉英对照)、《中国针灸穴位图谱》、《实用穴位疗法》、《手足部针灸疗法》, Dr. Shang was nominated twice for Jiangsu province's '青篮工程', as well as received an excellence speaker award from Nanjing University for his advance research. From October of 2001 to December of 2002, Dr. Shang was invited as a visiting scholar to Germany, teaching Chinese medicine and his medical research. From January of 2003 to December 2016, Dr. Shang works full time at Vancouver Central College of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a senior professor and internship instructor. April 2010 to present work at Ming Yi Tang TCM Centre as a Dr. TCM

Advisory Committee    Dr. Song, Tao



Ph.D of Gynecology of TCM

Guest Professor at Chengdu University of TCM

Former Professor at Chengdu University of TCM and WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction

Former instructor at Langara College and PCU

R.Tcm P at Atao Health Centre for Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Vancouver

Vice-President  Zhang, Lan


Lan (Imen) Zhang graduated from the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1988) where she received five years extensive training.Imen was a clinical instructor for over ten years of the Beijing No. 6 Hospital (an affiliate hospital of the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Centre) where students came from Scandinavia, Germany, Iran, and Australia… for acupuncture training.

Imen is a licensed acupuncturist in Vancouver and has 24 years of clinical experience (as of 2012). Her special interest includes the treatment of infertility, pain syndromes, depression and anxieties, gynaecological and menopausal disorders, allergies, hay fever, overweight, smoking and cigarette addictions, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) condition, gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Vice-President Qingtian Wang, Dr.TCM, Ph.D.

Graduated from Beijing Traditional Chinese Medical University in 1988 (1983-1988),

Honoured Doctoral of Philosophy (Medical Science) from Tohoku University Japan in 2001(1996-2001).

Completed postdoc research fellowship at Ottawa Heart Institute, University of Ottawa in 2002.

2003-2009 Japan Tohoku University.

Outstanding achievement in medical field and recorded in Who Is Who in 2007.

Over 30 years medical practice and research, well trained and strong medical back ground.

Specialist: anti-aging, cardio and cerebrovascular stroke, menopause symptom, beauty and diet.

Contact: 604-764-7128 (text available)


Advisory Committee    Vincent Yu.Dr,TCM


Vincent Yu.Dr,TCM. used to work for CTCMA edcucation committee and as a Examiner years. I quited since I took a teaching job in a TCM college. Right now I haven’t teach for more than 5 years. It is big honour for me if I can serve in Education committee again.

Dr. Vincent CunHai Yu Dr.TCM, Ph.D. completed his Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor training at Hubei Traditional Chinese Medical University and received his Master's degree in acupuncture from Changchun Traditional Chinese Medical University. He has also trained as a Medical Doctor in China. Dr.Yu has practiced in his own successful acupuncture clinic since 2005.


Dr.Yu was a board member of the BC Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Practitioners (ATCMA). He was invited to become a member of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University TCM program Advisory Committee. In the past, Dr.Yu served as chair of the Academic Committee of QATCMA and is the ex-president of the Canada Acupuncturist & TCM Headquarters Association.


Dr. Yu has completed extensive research on lower back pain, sciatica, Hair loss, digestion related troubles and headaches and has published three books on these topics. He has also published over eighteen medical papers in prestigious medical research journals.


He specializes in all kinds of hair loss and promotes regeneration after hair loss. After years of clinical practice, Dr. Yu has formed a comprehensive treatment of hair loss and promoting hair regrowth based on acupuncture, skin needles, external medicines, and internal medicines, effectively for a large number of people from all ethnic groups at home and abroad.

Dr. Noah Chih-I Tsai



Victoria University (Switzerland ) – DBA of Sports and Leisure Management

Preston University (U.S. America)-Doctor of Philosophy in Healthcare Management

Taiwan Normal University – Masters of Health Education

Taiwan Normal University – Masters of Sports and Leisure management

Director   Hu, Xianyi






President    Chu, Kuo Hsiang Reagan 


Reagan Chu completed seven years of medical training in Western medicine and obtained an M.D. degree from National Defense Medical Center (Taipei) , he practiced as a family doctor in Hualien Armed Forces General Hospital (Hualien, Taiwan). He passed the national examination of Taiwan and was dispatched to Taipei Veterans General Hospital ( TVGH; Taipei), and there he first practiced in the Orthopedics Department for two years, then in the Radiology Department for another two years. In addition, he had received a five-year training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation(PMR) and worked at TVGH. Meanwhile, he also had completed a training program in Acupuncture at TVGH and two years of law studies at Chinese Culture University (Taipei). Reagan Chu immigrated to Canada in November, 2003, and completed a five-year program in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Central College (BC). He have been practicing as a registered acupuncturist (R. Ac.) since May, 2008. He would love to contribute in the establishing of proper policies and standards to bring advancements in Traditional Chinese Medicine and benefit the practitioners in BC.

© 2023 by British Columbia Traditional Chinese Medicine Profession Association. 

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