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第一屆溫哥華國際中醫大會圓滿結束  活動紀錄

首屆國際中醫研討會 專家匯聚溫哥華 大紀元報導


第一届温哥华国际中医大会 为加国中医写下新的一页 樂活網報導



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​近期公會活動 - 2023 義診&三伏貼

公 會 的 誕 生

       卑詩省醫療界有 20 個醫療管理局(College),25 年來只有19個醫療職業公會(Health Profession Association),在卑詩省中醫期盼多年的鼓勵下,經由全體卑詩省中醫的民主程序,終於成立了卑詩省中醫職業公會( British Columbia Traditional Chinese Medicine Profession Association)。

Image by Helen Shi

Message from the President

BC has Chinese medicine association and the association has talented practitioners


According to the Health Professions Act (HPA) of British Columbia, there should be 20 Health Profession Associations if there are 20 colleges in the medical profession. It is unfortunate that there have been only 19 medical professional associations in the past 25 years, with the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice not having a corresponding unified association.


Like physicians, dentists, chiropractors, pharmacists, and nurses, the TCM practitioners is one of the 20 recognized medical professions in British Columbia. It must have a representing association formed by the democratic process and protects the interests of the TCM practitioners.


The TCM pioneers in BC succeeded in persuading the BC government to create the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is formal recognition of the TCM professional as a medical practice on par with other medical practices. They also helped the creation of a license system. Their achievements are of an epic proportion and their achievements will always be remembered. They deserve the respect and gratitude of the future generations of TCM practitioner. Today, despite my humble success and wisdom, I vow to work hard with all my peers in the creation of a new chapter of success for the TCM profession in British.


It is my hope that 25 years from now, our generation will be respected equally like those TCM pioneers before us. Success to the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice, success to all the practitioners of our loved profession, and success to the British Columbia Traditional Chinese Medicine Profession Association.


President : Chu, Kuo Hsiang Reagan

R.TCM.P. (BC), MD & PMR Specialist (Taipei)

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